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Information about grants

Broadhempston Parish Council has an annual budget to gift grants to an organisations for a specific purpose. Grants must be “in the interests of or will directly benefit the area or its inhabitants or of part of it”.

The Parish Council aims to encourage the formation, continued existence and improvement of a wide range of voluntary, sporting, leisure, cultural and community facilities for the benefits of the inhabitants of Broadhempston.

– Greater emphasis will be placed on applications from local rather than national organisations.

– The Parish Council will not normally commit a future Parish Council to promising continued assistance.

-To view our policy on grants, click here.

Application procedure:

Organisations requesting financial assistance will be requested to submit:

– A completed application form found here

– Copies of their last annual accounts

– If the organisation does not prepare annual accounts, copies of the bank statements covering the previous six months must be enclosed.

Organisations will normally be expected to have clear written aims and objectives, a written constitution and a separate bank account.

Email complete application to the parish clerk:  or post to:

Parish Clerk, 23 Hutton Road, Paignton, TQ3 1BN.

Applications will not be considered from:

– Individuals

– A political party

– Private organisations operated as a business

– ‘Upward funders’ i.e. local groups where fund-raising is sent to a central HQ for redistribution.


Closing date: Friday 21 January 2022

Applications will be considered by the Parish Council at its meeting on 10 February 2022.

Successful applications will be paid in mid March 2022.


Email or call 01803 392419

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