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Broadhempston Society

In the time since the Society was formed over twenty years ago the village and its social life has gone through changes. The population has fewer families who are long-term local and a great deal of new activity has developed.  It is largely the incomers who have enlivened village life with such new activities as BROADS, Broadfest, and most recently the Community Shop. The longer-established groups like the PTFA, WI, Village Hall Committee, the Fete Committee and the PCC are all extremely active as well.

The Society can take some of the credit for the newer activities, as it has underwritten or supported BROADS, Broadfest and other activities in their early stages.  It has also provided over the years a varied programme of its own.  But village affairs have evolved in such a way that support for the Society as such has declined and the voluntary effort available is at present committed to the other projects.  If there was a gap in village life for voluntary activity when the Society started there are very gaps at the moment.

This could change. By continuing on a reduced scale, and having a reserve of funds that does not relate to the Archive, the Society could at any time in the future put on one-off events, back other activities or re-mobilise itself.

For the reduced activity we neither need nor could easily get together ‘six and not more than eleven’ executive committee members currently required by the Constitution. A lesser quorum is  also sensible in that non-attending committee members will receive notices of any meeting, and in these days can make their input to the issues under discussion by e-mail or otherwise.

Contact: TBC

Photo credit: Sib Dowson

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